Joe Klucar
This page contains an abridged transcription of Frank's very own handwritten account of the long, strange trip that brought him to where he is today. This is by no means a comprehensive history of the band in its current form, but rather a glimpse into the man, the myth, the legend that is "Famous" Frank Ward.

I started at age 20, when workmates at the JC Penney Auto Center started a band just for fun. They needed a singer, and I was willing to give it a try. We played a party at a private home, and I liked it. I enjoyed the crowd, and playing music with my friends. I felt uncomfortable with my hands having nothing to do while I sang, so I learned just enough guitar to hold one in my hands while I sang (a la Elvis). My roommate was a guitarist, and one of my friends loaned me an acoustic guitar. They both showed me some chords (Beatles, etc) and I practiced while watching TV. That band, which was never even named, soon broke up. I continued to practice, but mainly concentrated on my race car.

I had a very good friend from the age of 13-16 named Curt Aldstadt, who was quite the piano player and guitarist. He always tried to get me into guitar playing and listening to music other than what I was used to. He was into Hendrix, Trower and Clapton. I liked music a lot, but the radio was fine - remember, in 1969, the radio was pretty good! Curt knew I had some music background as a trumpet player (from age 12-16).

My other best friend from that era was named John Reed. He played trumpet, as well as many other instruments. He was a true prodigy and hanging with him got me playing at least two hours a day. I played so much I got very good & burned out. At that point, I had to go to symphonic orchestra or marching band. I had no interest in either, so I quit. Several months later, the high school band director shot himself. Conicidence?

So back to Curt: While visiting from college in 1977, Curt discovered that I had a warehouse for my race car. He had a guitar amp way too loud (& big) for his parents' apartment. He moved the amp to my shop, and we played through it together. A drummer named Tim Preisenger was driving by and heard us playing. He asked if he could go get his drum set. He returned with drums and a bass player friend of his named Tom Uellner. Tim and Curt were good players and Tom and I were beginners, but it worked ok.

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